My friend Geoff Waldron is an excellent songwriter. When I asked him to put Goshawk™ 6-string through her paces — Nashville style — Geoff composed two absolutely gorgeous pieces of music. Some people just have the ear…check out his playing.
Holy Moly!!
What an instrument! The box had no dents or damage and the guitar arrived safe and sound without a scratch. Still perfectly in tune and ready to play!
The guitar flat out feels like a beautiful woman… like touching the skin of a supermodel when I touch your guitar. The most amazing neck… I can’t even believe it.
You have a fine eye for detail… I should be so lucky to be working with such an accomplished artist such as yourself.
Truly an awe inspiring work of fine craftsmanship.
Truly makes my guitar collection seem like haphazardly constructed hunks of wood and metal. (Geoff Waldron)