Adam J Wilson Live

PHOTO: Adam J. Wilson recorded live at American University in Washington D.C. on October 10, 2024.

Before we get into the details, here is the overview. Adam is playing multi-scale fretless Spearfish™ 6-string guitar through a signal chain of electronics controlled by software he wrote. Output is into an 8.2 channel speaker array.

I made an mp3 clip that is suitable for posting on your site; a little over a minute excerpt. I am trying to post/share only clips from the forthcoming record; still trying to figure out how to contend with AI/scraping/etc.

The title is 2024.2, it is a 16-channel electroacoustic piece, and the personnel includes me, playing the second fretless spearfish (‘Plectrodon’) you made for me, and my real-time improvisation software (collectively called ‘Skronkbot’). The first 30 seconds of the drums is composed, and the remaining 6 minutes are generated algorithmically from that kernel. The bass and harmony instruments are generated in real-time in response to my playing. The harmonic resources are based on a 16-tone just intonation scale with a variable reference frequency.

I am really enjoying the sound of the latest Plectrodon. I am definitely converted to a bridge pickup guy. I feel like with the sustainer and the Bare Knuckle in the bridge position, I was able to achieve a cello- or saxophone- like timbre using a massive amount of gain on a tweaked ENGL model.

Funny story: I was contemplating getting a tube amp, and I auditioned a lot of them. My favorites were ENGL amps: the Savage 120 and the Founders Edition. Then I discovered that my favorite stock model on the Axe Fx, ‘Angle Severe,’ which I have been modifying to get my sound for a couple of years, is based on the Savage 120! The ear wants what the ear wants! (Adam J. Wilson)

PHOTO: Spearfish™ 6-string guitar. Multiscale fretless patented component system, precision machined from aircraft aluminum and stainless steel. Bare Knuckle custom pickup. Sustainiac driver with custom electronics.

Thank You

PHOTO: Sea Monster 6-string guitar with Pisces™ tremolo system (2023).

Hi Rick,

I acquired Sea Monster approximately 10 months ago. I intentionally wanted to wait a while before providing my thoughts. I appreciate your patience.

Prior to Sea Monster I was playing shorter scale hard-tailed fiddles. So Sea Monster was different for me in many ways. The Advantage neck profile is the best feeling neck I’ve ever played. The neck profile alone makes me feel like a better player in that I’m able to comfortably execute difficult passages on a longer scale neck – I went up a heavier string gauge because I found my attack more aggressive due to the ease of play. The new trem is so much fun and so much easier to manage than a Floyd – unlike a Floyd, this trem appears to move chord shapes together in tune, which is amazing and changes the whole approach to playing a trem – excellent tremolo design.

The 10 way switching provides so many useable tonal options and again, makes it so much fun to play.

Over the past 10 months I’ve been asking you various questions and you patiently answered all of them. Since day 1 I have loved Sea Monster but it took time for us to fully bond – no fault of the guitar, but rather I’ve been accustomed to playing certain guitars/specs, and soon realized with Sea Monster, that I needed to make some changes in setup re: string gauge/action in order to fully connect – I learned all about the Rick Toone tremolo when I performed the setup. So, not only have I bonded with Sea Monster via the physical act of playing but also by learning the components that make up Sea Monster – many of those components are specific to Rick Toone guitars. I’m now a big fan of Rick Toone guitars. (Rick. R, 2024)

PHOTO: Self-portrait in sunburst nitro. Spearfish™ 6-string snapshot prior to shipping (2019).

Hey, Rick! I just want to send another thank you for the incredible guitar you built for me. Of all the luthier built guitars I own, yours stands head and shoulders above them all. The Spearfish excels at all styles of music, from rock to blues to jazz and even finger style. Clean, distorted, ambient, the Spearfish sounds great no matter what style and no matter what amp I put it through. It is the standard I use for seeing how an amp sounds. The volume and tone controls are far and away the most responsive of all the guitars I own and the single coil switch is the closest to true single coils. The neck is supremely comfortable and intonation and string balance are superb. I have considered selling all my other guitars, as the spearfish is really all I need. One of the nice features about it is that I can go from super light gauge (I’ve used Billy Gibbons .07’s all the way to .13’s) and not be concerned about the neck. Everyone who has played it is instantly impressed at how effortlessly it plays and how full and rich it sounds. A truly stellar instrument. Thank you and I wish you continued success. (Bill Mitchell, 2024)

2024 NAMM Report

PHOTO: 2024 NAMM Spearfish™ guitar displayed in the Bare Knuckle Pickups booth and demoed by Gabriel Levi. This guitar is currently listed for sale. Gabriel Levi reports below on his experiences at 2024 NAMM show…

Q: What was the reaction to Spearfish?

A: Overwhelmingly positive and mostly pure shock. In a very oversaturated guitar market (especially evident at the NAMM show) it’s cool to see when a name lives up to its hype. The neck is of course a major selling point of the Spearfish and is an instant conversation starter. It reeled people in to learn more about the guitar…it grabs attention and sparks interest in ways a traditional neck wouldn’t. The International Orange finish totally shook people and was clearly visible amongst the noise at NAMM. The reaction to the FreeWay 10-way switch was GREAT. It almost adds another layer of value and individuality to the guitar. It gives the impression that the guitar is infinite (rightfully so). A lot of folks came out to see your guitar. None left disappointed and I was so happy to see it all go down!

Q: What did people like best about Spearfish?

A: THE NECK. The neck. It really is the selling point of this guitar and the feature most people want. Very unique but extremely playable and functional. “Effortless” is a word that kept coming up. People noticed the balance and ergonomics of the instrument. It does an excellent job of comfortably adhering to your body as you play. The International Orange finish sort of spoke for itself…it was a great display of the depths you’re able to go. People loved it. Another thing people loved? That headstock. It’s really sick.

Q: What did they like least about Spearfish?

A: The neck. HA! Just kidding…but in all seriousness, it is the one thing that threw a small number of people off. I will say for 99% of skeptics, this wore off quickly. It does not surprise me that something of this nature would throw off a more traditional player. It’s a massive sea change when you first try it out, but the benefits quickly become evident. The only other thing I can think of (which wasn’t necessarily a dislike) was the extra space on the fretboard room on the high E-string side. Most players were not used to being able to pull the string in a downward motion on the high E string, and I think they weren’t used to feeling fretboard under their hands on that side on the neck. It was an interesting observation because I’m SO used to the Element neck at this point, but I understand — because if I pick up a Telecaster, I find myself falling off the high E-string side more than I’d like to admit. Ha! I think it’s a cool part of the guitar that I personally love, but something I did get feedback on.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Fretboard Flare™ is the geometric feature included in the patented Element™ neck.

Q: What did you learn regarding how people perceive my work? 

A: You are definitely an elusive creature in the guitar world, so watching people try your guitars is like witnessing man discover fire. It is interesting because as far as I can tell, you’re not worried about marketing and shoving your name down peoples throats. You just make real evocative art and it resonates. Word of mouth is still alive and well when it comes to art that people feel the need to share, and seeing this cult-like following towards your work is inspiring. DIY to the max.

Q: Did you make any connections to help your career?

A: Oh man. Where do I begin? First of all, thank you for the Bare Knuckle Pickups relationship that you started. They were amazing people and it was a gift to help represent a brand that I have been a proponent of for so long. I confirmed a big project with Neural DSP that will be taking place within the next few months. I secured an artist deal with Happy Cable Company which are making some really high quality cables. They’ll be helping me with cable needs for the wireless packs we use on stage and cables here in the studio. Steve linked me up with an entire hotel room of guys that totally rocked my world with emerging technology for guitar. I like to go deep with the Fractal Audio units and utilize things like automated preset/scene changes via MIDI, and to see what’s possible when it comes to using the guitar as a controller blew me away. If this can become optimized, it would be a total game changer for live performance. I think we’re officially in the future! I met SO many people and there is a lot that I’m leaving out, but it was without a doubt the most fruitful NAMM experience to date. Thank you for putting me in a position to make these new connections and plant many seeds. I will forever be grateful to you my friend!

IMAGE (below): Tim Mills demonstrates why he has successfully built a world-class business.

NAMM Show 2024 | Bare Knuckle Pickups

PHOTOS: Bare Knuckle POLYMATH signature Nolly Getgood pickups. International orange Spearfish™ guitar wired in 10-way configuration will be on display in the Bare Knuckle Pickups booth at NAMM, January 2024. Come explore this amazing instrument.

Bare Knuckle Pickups
2024 NAMM Show January 25-28
Main Exhibit Hall
Level 1
Booth 5637

Spearfish™ specifications:
• Patented Element™ 22-fret multi-scale neck
• Fretboard Flare™ geometry
• Dunlop 6100 stainless steel frets
• Hipshot locking tuners
• Patented Intonation Cantilever™ solo bridges
• Bare Knuckle Polymath pickups
• 10-way wiring via Freeway switch
• Swamp ash body with international orange finish
• Carbon fiber pickguard
• Overall weight: 7.3 lbs

2024 brings significant change. I am actively seeking manufacturing partners and volume OEM licensing arrangements. If you are a manufacturer or investor who understands the potential, please contact. EMAIL: RICKTOONE@GMAIL.COM

Rick Toone | Luthier, LLC has an established portfolio of patents covering the most advanced guitar and bass component systems, including: neck technology, multi-scale capable bridges (both hardtail & tuning), multi-scale capable tremolo, as well as the new retrofit-compatible tremolo system with incredible best-in-class performance. Multiple additional patents pending.

PHOTOS: Spearfish™ guitar with patented Intonation Cantilever™ solo guitar bridges, precision machined from stainless steel. Swamp ash, carbon fiber.

PHOTOS: Patented Element™ guitar neck precision machined from aircraft aluminum.

MARKETING: Gabriel Levi will perform with the international orange Bare Knuckle Spearfish™ 6-string. Gabriel has an incredible touch on guitar and generous spirit. He can be reached via his website or Instagram to learn more.

I’ve been daydreaming about this guitar nonstop. It’s really such a cool culmination of everything that makes your guitars special. Innovative, functional design meets radical, evocative art. This thing will blow some minds. (Gabriel Levi)

Spearfish at the show is glorious. How the heck can a Hiwatt amp transform to sound sparkly, almost Fender amp-ish, but with overdrive? Somehow the guitar coaxes that out of it. Kudos to you for creating such a glorious instrument. Anyway, Gabriel was super helpful. Will stop back tomorrow at 1 pm and see him again. (Brian Alex)

Spearfish Declaration | Video

Absolutely wonderful email last evening. My clients tend to be deeply kind and thoughtful human beings. I am very fortunate to have the privilege of sharing this bond of music with them. Thank you, Carl.

Rick —

Happy New Year! It has been 6 months since I picked up ‘Declaration’ Spearfish.  I have held off on writing this letter, as every time I began writing, I realized that I was still learning more about the guitar’s character. The full impact of this guitar has finally hit me.

Craftsmanship: The word that comes to mind is precision. Although the artistry of your guitars is what drew me in, what blew me away was the precision. The care you put into the build, and the perfection you strived to attain are clearly evident in every part of the guitar. As a hip and knee replacement surgeon with some experience in design, I especially appreciate the design/stability of the unique neck/body interface. This thing feels like it should be a part of a high-end military aircraft!

Ergonomics: My 10-year-old’s first response when I let him play the guitar was “why does this feel so easy to play?” This also sums up my feelings. The unconventional shapes and materials in this guitar hide the quite substantial considerations to size, weight, balance, and texture. Simply put, the result is an instrument which doesn’t get in the way of playing music. I find myself playing for longer periods of time, with less fatigue. The choices you have made with respect to neck shape, materials, and body shape constitute an unquestionably discernible advance in the ease and comfort of playing.  

Versatility: An unexpected surprise, which took me a very long time to fully appreciate, was the breadth of sounds that could be created with ‘Declaration’ Spearfish. I have found myself playing less with pedals, now focusing more on the guitar’s native controls. Whatever magic you injected into the electronics and wiring, I love it.

Art: The art is what drew me to your guitars. Not sure if you remember, but when I asked you to take this guitar to wherever your imagination leads you, I suggested the words: elegant, industrial, strong, depth, and striking. You nailed it. Declaration is a stunning work of art. It is the clear expression of imagination, emotion, and freedom that art inspires.

So, in case you cannot tell, I love this guitar. It is extremely special to me, and I am very grateful that you have created it for me. Thank you, and keep pushing the limits!


VIDEO: Chris Buono tests Declaration Spearfish™ before I shipped the guitar to Carl (July 2020). Relaxed six minute improvisational loop as he explores pickup settings and tone control using clean Fender Deluxe amp setting via Strymon Iridium direct into Logic. Listen for dynamics and sustain.